JUNE 24TH- YOUR ADVOCATE 01 Jul An advocate is somebody who speaks on behalf and in defense of another person. For example, lawyers are advocates. As God’s child, you have an Advocate with God, the Father; His name is Jesus. Share this: Kiddies Rhapsody Dailies 7 views You may also like APRIL 6- SERVE GOD RIGHTLY APRIL 7- PRAY FOR ALL MEN APRIL 5- GOD’S CLOUD OF GLORY April 4- ALLOW ONLY POSITIVE THOUGHTS APRIL 3- REJOICE AND BE GRATEFUL April 2-YOU WERE BORN A VICTOR Mar-30 ‘SALVATION’ Mar-29 THE GREAT LOVE Mar-28 IT ALWAYS WORKS Mar-27 THE TALKING PRINCIPLE «12345…10»Page 3 of 10