Jan 29 – SPEAK KINDLY TO OTHERS 29 Jan Kind words are like medicine? Isn’t that interesting? Find out more as Jessica and Dominion share today’s devotional with us. Share this: Kiddies Rhapsody Dailies 28 views You may also like APRIL 26 – SPEAK “THE... APRIL 25- MAKE PRAYER A LIFESTYLE APRIL 24- HE WILL HELP YOU APRIL 23- YOU ARE ON A MISSION APRIL 20- HE’S THE ONLY WAY APRIL 18- ANNOUNCE THE GOODNEWS APRIL 15- ALL-ROUND PROSPERITY AND SUCCESS APRIL 16- YOUR TOMORROW IS SECURE APRIL 17- BELIEVE AND DO THE WORD APRIL 6- SERVE GOD RIGHTLY «123456…12»Page 4 of 12